
UEA Study Reveals Broccoli Can Prevent Osteoarthritis, trial with human patients to be conducted shortly


Research from the UK reveals that consuming vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage and Brussel Sprouts can prevent osteoarthritis, the world’s most common form of arthritis.

Explaining why it is so important to deal with osteoarthritis early on by eating these vegetables, lead researcher of this study from UEA, Professor Ian Clark said, “There is currently no way in to the disease pharmaceutically and you cannot give healthy people drugs unnecessarily, so this is where diet could be a safe alternative.”

The study, which was conducted at the University of East Anglia, revealed that sulforaphane, which is found in these vegetables, blocked enzymes that would destroy cartilage by intercepting a molecule that causes inflammation.

Also, the mice that were fed a diet rich in sulforaphane fared better when it comes to cartilage damage and osteoarthritis compared to those whose diet did not contain the compound.

While there have been earlier studies that have shown that this compound can prevent cancer, this is the first major study that established a link with joint health. In fact, the team wanted to find out whether sufficient amounts of sulforaphane got into the joints in sufficient amounts so as to have an effect.

Now the team wants to demonstrate that this works in humans as well and for that purpose, are running a trial on 40 osteoarthritic patients who are due for joint surgery. They hope that the results will fund a larger trial based on the effects of eating broccoli has on osteoarthritis, pain and joint health.

In the upcoming trial, one half of the participants will eat a “super broccoli” which contains high amounts of sulforaphane.

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