Written by: Los Angeles Dispensaries
A ban on medical marijuana dispensaries didn’t go into effect September 6 after proponents of medical marijuana petitioned to stop it, the Wall Street Journal reports. Advocates for medical marijuana successfully gathered and submitted nearly 50,000 signatures to block the ban that was aimed at closing 762 dispensaries registered in Los Angeles.
Following the city’s long-winded fight to manage the distribution of medial pot, the Los Angeles City Council voted to ban medical marijuana shops on September 4, 2012. However, before the ban could take place, the city received more than twice the number of signatures required to overturn the ban.
In a letter published on the city’s website, City Attorney Carmen Trutanich says that the City Clerk’s Office will be reviewing the petition to verify the signatures, an activity that will take 15 to 45 days. In the meantime, the city will not enforce the ordinance. If validated, the ban will be on hold until next March, according to the Los Angeles Times, “when it would land on the primary election ballot.”
Although the ban is suspended, Trutanich reminds proponents of medical marijuana that the dispensaries still violate land-use laws. The letter states that applicable “City and state laws will continue to be enforced by the City Attorney’s Office, as well as other law enforcement and regulatory agencies.”