A hypochondriac is defined as a person who is abnormally anxious about their health. There are several reasons why you shouldn’t be this type of person, and it’s primarily because you would be way too anxious about your health. Normally, people like this would drink medicine the first sign they get that they have symptoms of some kind of illness. As a matter of fact, even a little sneeze would make alarm bells go ringing in their heads. If you think you are one of these people, it’s about time for you to realize that you shouldn’t be that way at all. Drinking medicine before you get sick is unnecessary primarily because your body doesn’t need it. Doctors also recommend that you should never self-medicate. If you don’t have a medical degree, then it’s best that you should leave it to more qualified persons. The reason why you shouldn’t be this way is because your tolerance to medicine would go too high that a normal dosage would be ineffective to you. Other than that, the fact that you don’t have a medical degree doesn’t mean that you know how to medicate yourself. The problem with self-medication as well is that you don’t really know what are the side effects of what you’re taking, and any complications that you may have as well mixing them with other types of medicine. With that said, you shouldn’t be taking medicine as well when you don’t need it. You’re just giving your body extra work filtering out medicine.